
Posts Tagged ‘filligar’

New Filligar Tracks – New Album (mp3 downloads)

July 7, 2010 2 comments

Filligar - The Nerve album cover

Filligar - The Nerve - album art

I just received word from Filligar that the new album is indeed on iTunes and that I can finally share a couple of tracks from it with you. It’s called The Nerve.  And I have to agree. The nerve of them to make such a huge leap forward, creating their best recordings yet. I’ve had this album since last month and it’s been KILLING me not to talk about it and share tracks. KILLING me. I provide now, with permission, two fantastic tracks from the album. The single is out there and can be had on their site. It’s a great track as well. But I’d like you to hear my two favorites….

Filligar-Not Gonna Settle (right click save)

What an anthem. You may want to wave your fists in the air while you sing along, walking steadfastly away from that non-ringing phone to head out for a night on the town. The serial monogamist or  pushover-no-more’s anthem. In real life or on TV.

Filligar-Health (right click save)

What can I say that hasn’t already been sai… oh wait. I may be the first. I’d better make it good. I’ll put it in quotes for you so you don’t have to bother.

I have seen the future of rock and roll, and it’s name is …

Been done already hasn’t it? I’ll try again.

If you see one movie this summer, make it Filligar’s new song HEALTH. You will not be sorry.


Last try….


That’s about right.

I love their other material, but this new album is much, much better. It’s rich, diverse and full music (to a greater extent). It defies previous labels loosely applied to their music such as… essentially…  “surprisingly good for a dead genre”. Well, tell you what. Some of us don’t read Paste. We just glance at it and chuckle a little under our breath. If this is a dead genre, then the genre being spoken of is music itself. This is pure, rock music.

While so many artists are paying less attention to getting nice, big, full sounds and instead attempting to mimic various kinds of low fidelity or dead formats, Filligar went for the hi-fi sound here and it works for them.  Not that there are not real gems in the lo-fi music out there right now. This album just sounds so beautiful and sunny. A nice change. That’s all.  A Perfect soundtrack for your summer exploits. And I feel it’s necessary to point out that the keys on this album feel organic, full and out front for once. The organs, the electric piano. Nice. That can be hard to pull off without sounding wimpy or thin. And they never once sound wimpy or thin. I cannot wait to hear what this will sound like live.

Pick it up at iTunes right this second. And if you can find it anywhere else, grab it there. The physical CD comes out today. It’s so worth it. Buy it immediately. Show them your love.

They will be touring until the end of September, so catch them live if you can and check for tour dates.

Filligar – Nightfall Video finally out!

April 8, 2010 Leave a comment

Filligar Nightfall Screengrab

Filligar - Nightfall Video

At Last! My favorite Filligar track has a video. And it’s beautiful/strange/fun. Be sure to watch in HD, as it looks amazing. Love the color, the camera work, everything. A must-see. The videos for this project keep getting better and better.

All the episodes of the Filligar project, FAR, can be seen HERE.

Check out the video for Nightfall HERE.

And if you missed it before, the mp3 for Nightfall is HERE (right-click save-as)


Filligar-8 songs-8 films-8 directors-8 weeks.. FAR (spoilers)

March 10, 2010 Leave a comment


FAR-8 music films,8 directors,8 weeks

We’re up to film number 2 already in Filligar’s FAR project featuring 8 films directed by 8 directors, set to 8 songs for 8 weeks. Whew. The first two are great, memorable even. The first, “One of the Regulars” (GREAT track) features a two-man elephant suit(that returns in the second film) and a video-conferencing lead vocalist. It  ends with the elephant, of course, being “in the room”. (jackal pig-dog? sure, why not?) The second (“No I Won’t”, another great track of many) features a kid who transforms himself with the use of marking pens into what I can only call a bearded bad-ass, complete with bandana. He comes across 3/4ths of the band playing in the woods off the beach and joins them. (note of warning: there is a monster at the end of this film) The narrative is telling me that at least for the first two films, the vocalist is in California while everyone else is in Chicago, the city the band calls their own. (amiright?) Or at least he’s otherwise unavailable. OR it could be part of what’s going to be happening in the next 6 films. We’ll just have to wait and see. It’s an interesting project, one I’ve anticipated since the first film.

I hope there’s going to be a video for Nightfall, one of my favorite tracks of theirs. That track (included here for download below) has remained on my mp3 players since I first filled them up and will remain there. Each time it pops up on random I’m in for a treat and I never tire of it. I love the instrument/sound that kicks in at about 14 seconds in and sticks around. I’m not sure if it’s a keyboard or a guitar with the attack removed with a volume pedal or something else but it makes the song, evoking a mood. And it has one of the most contagious choruses I’ve heard in years along with an electric piano solo I can hum or whistle with perfectly.  Perfect song for an evening drive down a winding, darkening road. But it’s far from the only highlight of Near or Far. It’s a filler-free album worth every penny you pay to support their work and a future filled with promise.

Filligar’s YouTube Channel

Filligar’s Web Site / Myspace / Facebook / Twitter

Filligar-nightfall MP3 download (right-click-save or save-link-as)

Preview Near or Far on iTunes

Special thanks to Filligar for the kind words and permission to post the track.